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About Rachel


My name is Rachel-Yvonne, also known as 'The Pretty preacher'

 It’s time for you to step into your greatness and declare who you are! The time has come for everything in your life to change, not tomorrow, but NOW!

I’m so excited to share with you my story and why I believe that you are in the right place.

I remember having desires and feeling wrong for them, struggling to fit in with other women and not feeling quite right about being a ‘strong independent boss’ Yes, I believe in owning your feminine power, but there’s something about striving and hustling that always felt like a fight.

I showed up too masculine in my romantic relationships, tried to force things in my life, became anxious and didn’t give myself the love I deserved first before attempting to love and serve others.

It wasn’t until I really became aligned with my soul desires, discovered the beauty of my femininity, and honoured who I was created to be that my life really began to change.

I am a minister, singer/songwriter and coach for women like you.

I have an unquenchable passion for impacting women’s lives so that they can be, “brave, powerful and free.” I don’t pretend to be perfect and walk you through my process. I've invested over $20,000 in coaching to get where I am today, and I want to share what I have learned. 

I use Biblical practices based on over 15 years in ministry. I've travelled the world to sing, preach, teach and I've also been an X Factor UK finalist.

I have a skill for seeing the impossible happen, and I want you to experience that too.I’m here to help you, because you deserve a richer life with integrity, grace and love.

I now travel the world teaching, singing, and preaching.

My clients have called me 'The Confidence Queen' and have gone on to have 6 Figure Launches, increased social media engagement, and created the lifestyle of their dreams.
