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Ready to REGAIN CONTROL of your day and enjoy your life again (without the burnout, overwhelm, and anxiety, because...your life is meant to be full of joy!).

Get your hands on the realistic step-by-step strategy for burnt out and stressed perfectionists that is transforming hectic days into calm and balanced momentsโฌ‡๏ธ

Create a plan that allows you to wake up every morning and start your day doing what you enjoy.

Save time, energy, and stress knowing you will start your day with a clear mind, resulting in higher productivity when you do start your to-do list.


The complete guide, designed to help you effortlessly live a life that gives you peace and joy instead of stress and anxiety.

Raise your hand if you're feeling

๐Ÿฅด like there's got to be more than this in life, because this is just not the way to live

๐Ÿ˜ฌ like you can't turn your brain off, your mind is spinning all the time, you overthink every little thing, and you feel a weight on chest/shoulders

โ˜น๏ธ unexcited for things that you used to get so pumped for

๐Ÿ˜– like a failure because there's so much on your plate and you aren't able to do any of it well enough

๐Ÿ˜ด exhausted all the time from always having to do everything, not sleeping well, and getting up every day just to start over again

๐Ÿ˜’ like you don't even know who you are anymore because you've lost the part of you that has lightness, purpose, and dreams

๐Ÿ˜” defeated, because everything you have tried so far either hasn't lasted or hasn't helped you feel better so clearly this is just how your life is now

The truth is, you don't need to completely overhaul your life to get it back on the right track.

You don't need a new job, a new house, a new partner.

You don't need to spend hours a day in self-reflection.

You don't need to make a million dollars so that you can work less or hire a maid.

You don't need to attend an hour-long yoga class every day.

(because who actually has time for that?!?)

You don't even need to wake up early if that is not your thing!

What you need is a simple daily strategy that plans for prioritizing quiet time for yourself to do something you enjoy, so that you can fill yourself with energy and joy before moving onto serving others.

What if you could

๐ŸŒด Effortlessly create a morning that includes habits that feel like a luxury, things you enjoy doing so much that you wake up to your alarm and jump out of bed excited to start your day?

๐ŸŒด Confidently go about tackling things on your to-do list with a clear mind, allowing you to actually get things done in less time than it used to take you, knowing that you'll have time at the end of the day to relax.

๐ŸŒด Build the life you always thought you'd have, not needing to count down the days 'til your weekend or next vacation, because your daily life is filled with vacation vibes

โ—Without the overwhelm, exhaustion, or snapping at loved ones โ—

What if you went to bed at the end of every day feeling satisfied because your day was a lovely balance between relaxation, excitement, and productivity? You had moments of really enjoying quality time with family/friends, and you weren't worried about everything you have to do tomorrow because you know it will get taken care of....

Like this...

It's time to say HELLO to:

๐Ÿ™‚ Waking up feeling refreshed from a great night of sleep

๐Ÿ™‚ Starting your day doing things you enjoy, that light your soul on fire, before doing everything else on your list

๐Ÿ™‚ Having a clearer mind, allowing you to get things done faster, giving you more time with family/friends

๐Ÿ™‚ Living each day to its fullest, free of panic attacks or burnout

It's time to say GOODBYE to:

๐Ÿ˜ฌ Never having any time for yourself and feeling resentful to those around you who do

๐Ÿ˜ฌ Overwhelm from your to-do list and not knowing how you are going to do everything

๐Ÿ˜ฌ Pushing through life, day after day, hoping something will change soon but not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel

๐Ÿ˜ฌ Feeling exhausted and drained from life, frantic to rush out the door every morning, working through your never-ending to-do list, and taking care of everyone else except yourself


Rise and Shine is your step-by-step, easy-to-implement morning routine strategy that will finally make yourself a priority so that you can have more mental and physical energy to pour into the rest of your day, giving you more quality time with your loved ones, and makes you excited to jump out of bed 




....all through the following course:

ALL of your morning struggles - we're talking sleeping through your alarm, hitting snooze a bunch of times, rushing to get ready on time, dropping things, forgetting things, skipping breakfast, getting aggravated by traffic because you are running late, etc. - GONE!

Value with bonuses: $599 (plus your mental sanity)

What most people don't realize is that your morning sets the tone for the rest of your day. If you start your day frantically, the rest of your day will be stressful and chaotic. If you start your day calmly, doing things that you enjoy, your day will be more peaceful and fulfilling. 

That is why I have created this proven step-by-step strategy, based on the essential components of a balanced lifestyle, for you to further enjoy EVERY aspect of your life!

In this course you will find:

Why your current morning routine isn't working, benefits to a healthy morning routine, how to create a morning routine that is realistic and works for YOUR lifestyle, troubleshooting when it doesn't go to plan

Digital planner, worksheets, and tools to help you put your plan into action and stay consistent

Accountability and support to help guide you when you get off track

Your morning routine strategy, laid out simply and logically, in a self-paced course with short classes so that you can fit them into your busy schedule and start implementing these stress-reducing tweaks with EASE

Value with bonuses: $599 plus your mental sanity

There are 2 key components you want to implement in order to start your day on the right foot, that will allow you to have more time for yourself and be more present when you are with your loved ones.

In this course, I take you through each of these 2 components, as well as common mistakes made which can sabotage your entire day. You'll learn options that you can include in your morning that have been proven to help reduce your stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

No snapping at your family, no feeling like your nerves are fried, no more constant panic attacks. I am going to teach you how to successfully start your day so that you can handle tough situations instead of crumbling when things go wrong.

So, how is Rise and Shine different from other stress and burnout reduction courses out there?

That's a great question, I'm so glad you asked!

1. Rise and Shine is all-encompassing.

This means that I'm not only teaching you the strategy of creating your morning routine (then leaving you high and dry).

I've also included accountability and support from me so that you can have your individual questions asked, and YOUR priorities are taken into consideration instead of Nancy's.

You get the rinse and repeat strategy AND the support for actually applying it to your own life, so you have no reason to not make it work and see the results of a more calm and enjoyable day!

2. Rise and Shine is a strategy that creates personal growth. 

You don't need to completely transform your life in order to enjoy it.

What you do need is to shift your mindset to be able to fully understand what your priorities in life are so that you can focus on those things and eliminate everything else that is getting in your way of your ideal life.

And this is exactly what you get inside Rise and Shine.

3. My talent is simplifying things!

So, if all you've known is a complicated day full of a million things you need to complete in order to be considered successful, look no further than Rise and Shine because we go deep into simplifying your life so that you can feel less overwhelmed!


BONUS: Two 1:1 calls with me to give you individualized support and accountability

We will chat twice to discuss YOUR morning routine, what is working and what isn't working, troubleshoot anything that has come up, and work towards YOUR goals!

BONUS: Burnout to Bliss Membership included for 3 months

This membership includes short yoga classes (10-15 minutes) as well as yoga-off-the-mat offerings: guided meditation (5 minutes), breathing technique tutorials, journaling prompts, gratitude, nature activities......all designed to help you reduce stress and burnout. This can be easily implemented into your new enjoyable morning routine.

BONUS: Morning Routine Worksheet

This worksheet maps out exactly how to schedule your morning routine, how long it will take, what time you will need to get up, what time you will need to go to bed, etc. so that you have a plan in place for going through your new routine in a way that suits your schedule and shows you how you can do it realistically so that you are sure to stay consistent!

BONUS: 5 Easy Grab & Go Breakfast Recipes

We all know we should start our day with a healthy breakfast, but most of us don't have the time to cook in the morning. These recipes are all quick, grab & go so that you don't have to spend any time prepping in the morning for success!

BONUS: Digital Planner Worksheet

Your week will go so much smoother if you use this planner to schedule the things that are concrete in your life! Using this digital planner will allow you to easily see where in your week you have some extra time, so that you can either use that time to get ahead on your to-do list or use it to do something for yourself! 

BONUS: Vacation Morning Routine Worksheet

Because vacation is a time of fun and excitement, sometimes our normal routines go out the door! This vacation morning routine worksheet is a condensed version of your morning routine so that you can stay on track with your priorities but still have the flexibility to sleep in or go out and explore!

Get access to all of this for only

Over $599 value (plus your mental sanity)

$250 USD! 

Hi, I'm Sara. I am SO pleased to meet you.

Over the past few years I have shared my experience of healing my own anxiety, finding more calm in my life, reducing overwhelm, increasing confidence, and most importantly having more quality moments with family without constantly worrying about things.

I have coached clients and have helped them manage their anxiety, find time for themselves in their daily lives, and increased their overall happiness

I have personally experienced the amazing transformation that having a realistic morning routine can bring, and I have seen my clients go through this transformation as well. 

I want to help you:

๐ŸŒด Create a morning routine that gives you the time and ability to start your day off right

๐ŸŒด Experience life the way it should be: enjoyable, calm, living in the moment, energizing

๐ŸŒด Have more quality time with your family/friends instead of feeling snappy, on edge, or worrying about everything else you still have to do

This, above? It's why my business exists!

I want to see you have the life you always thought you would have; without the sickening symptoms you're experiencing from chronic stress and anxiety.

It would be an honor to help you put yourself first and start ever single day with your soul on fire. 

Your stress and burnout coach, Sara

Rise and Shine is perfect for you if any of these apply:

๐Ÿ–๏ธYou know you need to find time to relax and recharge, but you can't make it work with your schedule

๐Ÿ–๏ธYou're a parent who takes care of your children from the moment you get up to the moment you fall asleep, and you've lost your own identity

๐Ÿ–๏ธYou're an employee who is tired of feeling like you're always working

๐Ÿ–๏ธYou feel like there has to be more to life than what you are going through 

๐Ÿ–๏ธ You are burnt out, can't see the light at the end of the tunnel, and are finally ready to make some changes to feel alive again

๐Ÿ–๏ธ You feel like life is going by way too fast and you want it to slow down more

๐Ÿ–๏ธ You are looking for a way to improve your relationship with yourself and others so that you can have more meaningful moments with people that matter to you

Happiness Guaranteed!!

This solution is designed to give you the tools you need to design a morning routine that works for your schedule so that you can start your day with something you enjoy, giving your life more energy, peace, satisfaction, and calmness.

I am obviously obsessed with it, and I am confident that it will help you.

BUT! There is NO RISK in purchasing this product!

If you don't love Rise and Shine, you have put in all your effort into making some changes that I suggest, and we have talked 1:1 to help you solve any issues, you can request your money back within 14-days of your purchase. 

This is how confident I am that Rise and Shine will give you the tools you need to start your day off on the right start, consistently!


By the end of this program you will have 

๐ŸŒดa clear plan for your amazing morning routine that feels like a relaxing ritual

๐ŸŒดan understanding of troubleshooting methods for when life happens and your morning routine is altered (or even skipped, because sometimes that's fine!)

๐ŸŒดa planned out week which will allow you to let go of some of the millions of things you are trying to keep track in your head right now

๐ŸŒดpeace of mind, energy, excitement for life, and confidence to go about your day doing what you need to do while also spending time enjoying the only life you have

๐ŸŒดand ULTIMATELY-less overwhelm, reduced anxiety, and no more burnout

Recap - You get all of this:

Understanding why morning routines are critical for a balanced life, how exactly to plan your ideal morning routine that works with your schedule (so that it's actually realistic!), troubleshooting tools for when life happens, and much more!

BONUS: Two 1:1 calls with me to give you individualized support and accountability

BONUS: Burnout to Bliss Membership included for 3 months

BONUS: Morning Routine Worksheet

BONUS: 5 Easy Grab & Go Breakfast Recipes

BONUS: Digital Planner Worksheet

BONUS: Vacation Morning Routine Worksheet

Over $599 value (plus your mental sanity) 



Frequently Asked Questions

When does this program start?

This program is self-paced, and will be released January 28, 2024. You can go at your own speed, and you'll still get accountability and support from me!

How long are the classes?

Each class averages about a half hour (some are less), so you can listen to them while you are on-the-go, doing chores, or have a bit of time in your day to watch.

What if I don't have any extra time in my day?

You are in the perfect place!! This program will help you create more time in your day for YOU!

I am not a morning person; will this work for me?

Yes!! This is a morning routine course, so it is emphasized to do this before the rest of your day, but you can absolutely flip it and make it a nighttime routine if that works best for you.
