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Acheter les livres conseillés par Nathalie Iris

Discover how to buy digital version (ePUb or PDF) of the books suggested by Nathalie Iris on One Thing In a French Day. 

The bookshop website

First step

First, step go the Nathalie's website :

You need to do this each time you wish to buy a book from Nathalie.

On the website there is the button "Livres numériques" that will take you to ePagine, a digital book dealer. 

Going from Nathalie's website to ePagine allows the identification of her website as the seller. 

2 -- On ePagine Website, use the search engine to find the book. 

3 -- Add the book to the basket!

4 -- Payment section. You can see that Nathalie's website is identified 😊

5 -- Create your account to become an official customer 🌟🙋🏻📚

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