❤️ Get clear on what you truly want in a relationship.

❤️ Identify what is stopping you getting there.

    ❤️ Have an introduction to energy and the Energy Alignment Method (EAM).

    ❤️ Use EAM to release some of the resistances you hold.


    ❤️ Decide on at least one action step to take after the Masterclass.

      Hey, I'm Ceza Ouzounian

      I have been where you are - day dreaming of the relationship I 
      deeply wanted. The relationship that was everything I desired. 

      After having been single for a long time, I was in a relationship,
      but the relationship wasn't what I wanted. The person wasn't
      right for me, he pushed all my boundaries and I changed myself
      to be with him. I didn't allow my authentic self to be present. 

      When I decided to walk away from this relationship, I realised I
      needed to work on myself, because only then was I going to
      have the relationship I wanted. 

      Using the Energy Alignment Method, I worked on myself 
      allowing the real me to surface, and aligning to what I truly

      6 months after breaking up with my ex, I met my fiancé who
      is everything I had desired in a partner and relationship. 

      In this Masterclass, I share the process I and many of my clients
      have gone through to attract the right relationship. 

      Now is the time to have that relationship you dream of. 
