GET CLARITY on the type of clients and community you desire to work with.

UNLOCK the type of coach or mentor you are being called to be.

TIDY UP your sales beliefs and clean up the energy to welcome new people into your spaces.

CREATE, MARKET & SELL OFFERS that are aligned for you and exactly what your audience needs.

BECOME SOULFULLY PRODUCTIVE in your day, week and month getting the right things done regardless of your job and or business.


When I think of the results accomplished and progress made with the practice of scribing, aka journaling, and taking the aligned action, this is exactly what I have experienced.🎉

Want to know more?

What if..

You feel like time opens up for you and everything that needs to get done, gets done in a soulful and easy way.

What if..

You could begin to see changes in yourself within 3 weeks - changes like stronger self belief, accelerated productivity and alignment to receive all that you are being shown by your intuition.

What if..

You could easily work in your job while growing your business without worrying about how long it is supposed to take.

What if..

You upgraded your scribing, aka journaling practice and your life became richer in the physical, financial, mental and spiritual sense.


Scribe It Into Reality audio course is a perfect fit for you, if you are a spirit-led coach, healer, creative or leader.


If you’re not into journaling, are an excuse maker and think the practice of scribing is faff then this is not for you. This is not bad or wrong, just not aligned for you right now.

You with me?

Here’s the thing, what will your life look like…when ONE or MORE of these ‘what ifs’ become your reality.


Are you:

  • Tired of feeling disconnected from your purpose work?

  • Looking outside of yourself and asking around all the time in your life and business instead of being intuitively led?

  • Done with finding it challenging to action what you are being shown by your soul without enjoying the process?

You know you are ready to do all the things you are being shown while living a fulfilled life


This is the exact intuit scribing process to guide you on your own path to make that dream life a reality in the physical world.🎉

    Here Is What Is Included:

    ➡️5 modules of soul led and outcome driven processes.

    ➡️7 audio modules

    ➡️BONUS Module - See Below!

    Outside of the audio modules, are guided workbooks for each module. Each workbook is filled with journal prompts, mindset hacks and practical support to help you with implementing what you are being shown in your life and business.

    ➡️Module 1: What is Scribing, aka Journaling?

    ➡️Module 2 : What Scribing Isn’t And Why It Hasn’t Worked for You Before?

    ➡️Module 3: My 5 Pillar Soul Led Process To Scribing, the Easy Way, Where You Learn To Take The Aligned Action

    ➡️Module 4: Has Two Sections, Business Flow & Career Flow

    Intention Setting For Business Flow

    Intention Setting For Career Professionals

    ➡️Module 5: Idea Creation - How To Execute And Move Through Delivering Your Ideas In A Sustainable Way

    ➡️BONUS Audio Module: Daily Selling For Soulful Productivity

    *PS: SCRIBE IT INTO REALITY course is not a cookie cutter template system.*

    In this audio program, you get to do it your way intuitively with guided frameworks to support you from going from where you are right now, to where you desire to be in your life, business and or career. 🎉🎉🎉

      And while we are at.  Let me tell you a little about how I know this works.

      Here are some of the areas of my life and business I have scribed into reality:

      🥳I wrote about traveling overseas and living in England. Traveled to over 10 countries. Lived in Bath for 1 year and then lived in London for 6 years. Did that!

      🥳I journaled about the career in nursing I wanted. Started my nursing career in the specialty of cardiothoracics, which is what I desired. 

      🥳Lived and worked in Bath and London for years. Worked at a well known specialty hospital in London for 6 years. Did that!

      🥳I scribed about the friendships I wanted. Made incredible friends while living in England and traveled extensively with my friends across the globe.

      🥳I scribed about the relationship I wanted. That happened some years later!

      🥳I scribed about wanting to study business studies as a Registered Nurse during the 2008 global crisis. Landed a role in a highly sought after Masters of Business Administration (MBA) program in an established University. Did that!

      🥳I scribed about changing careers. Took a leap of faith from Nursing to Fundraising and never looked back. So did that!

      🥳I journaled on starting a business someday. Here we are!

      🥳I journaled on being a mentor someday. Started out as mentor for university college business students and my mentoring grew from there. Today I mentor people about listening to their intuition and taking inspired action.

      🥳I journaled on moving to the beach, near Torquay and Jan Juc for years. That happened in 2022!

      🥳I journaled this house I now live in into reality!

        Here’s How Scribing Started For Me

        I've been journaling since I was 13 years old. My first diary, aka journal, was an apricot coloured paper diary, circa 1988.

        I stumbled across journaling. I loved being able to jot down my thoughts and desires. The things that are important to me, and back then when I was 13 years old they were friendships and relationships.

        Breaked from journaling for years, decades even, though when I look back I was often writing my thoughts and ideas down on pieces of paper, 🤣

        It wasn’t until I was in my 20s that I started to pick up journaling again. I began scribing out what my vision was, like traveling, living overseas, my career at time which was nursing, fitness goals and being in a relationship.

        Fast forward to 2020 where I returned to my scribing practice and this allowed my intuition to lead my automatic writing.

        Wow, the messages and words I was shown when I wrote took me to another level of insights and understanding of my own connection to my intuition.

        Literally, I tapped into another level of intentional manifestation that I didn’t know existed. 💥

        While my scribing, aka journaling practice is strong and consistent, it wasn't always that way.

        Facts, it took commitment and me deciding to show up in my journal - no matter what, even when the messages didn’t make logical sense. I kept going. It's an ongoing practice.

        The results of implementing this intuitive journaling, aka scribing practice are completely unique to:

        • Your Vision

        • Your Desires

        • Your Higher Self

        Scribe It into Reality course is for the ones who know they are being called to do big things in their life, business and career.  All on purpose.🎉🎉🎉

        Further Asked Questions, FAQs


        How do I know this will work for me?

        Isn’t this just like every other journaling course out there?

        This is the kind of soul led scribing practice that has been designed, so that you are connected to your higher self and guided by what is your path forging forward.  

        Each of us are unique and so are our paths in life, our vision and our mission.

        So what is it for you?  Improve your money mindset?  Strengthen your sales beliefs?  

        Get clarity on your purpose work and the kinds of clients you are meant to work with?  

        Find your own soulful productive flow? 

        Grow your business? Transition from your career into your own soul-led business?  

        Boost your confidence?  

        Steepen your faith?

        The options are limitless! You do you!

        How much time will this take?

        This audio course is designed so that you can work at your own pace. The intention of this course, is that scribing becomes one of your consistent, if not daily practices.

        The module portion is designed to be completed in 1-2 weeks.  Most people start to see shifts, breakthroughs and results within 7 days of starting.

        How long do I have access?

        You have life long access to Scribe It Into Reality.

        What do I do in this audio program to create a life and business of alignment?

        You will begin to notice yourself connecting with your intuition, and your higher self. You will be clarifying your goals, your vision and the purpose work you are here to do.

        You are encouraged to come back to the audio modules and workbooks, as many times as you choose too.  

        Because with each new integration you will receive more insight and heightened self awareness. 

        How do I receive Scribe It Into Reality course?

        Upon making payment with the link, you will be emailed a downloadable pdf complete with all the links. The links are to all 7 audios and accompanying workbooks. This digital product will be to the email address you supplied and you will receive all this within 24 to 48 hours.

        Do you offer refunds?


        This work works when you work it AND apply the principles into your life and business. 

        If you have any questions, reach out beforehand and ask me.

        Cheering you on!.🎉

        Hey I’m Amanda Nicole,

        ✨Intuition Coach, Podcaster & all things Soulful Systems ✨

        I’m all about helping you honour your spiritual and energetic flow while bringing that to centre stage in your business & life to support you to shine.

        Together, we’ll uncover your own intuitive connection, clear up your throat chakra and create unshakeable soulful systems and strategies to  grow your business to new heights.

        Ready. Set. Go!🎉

        The Investment

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