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An extensive fillable PDF that that takes you through the Self-publishing Success System book foundations so that you know who you are writing to, what they need to hear from you and how your book will showcase your authority and attract clients (Value: $500)
A valuable fillable PDF that will take you out into your local bookstore or library to conduct a powerful market research exercise. Get to know what is on the shelf already, who publishes them, what size they are, how much they cost and what you like and don't like. (Value: $300)
Two short video tutorials to take you through the material in the Self-publishing Success System so that you can squeeze everything you can out of these self-study, plug and play materials. (Value: $100)
Do you want to know the order that you need to do things and make sure that you don't forget anything on your book publishing journey? The Self-publishing Success System Workflow has you covered – it's an extended schedule from a trade book publishing insider. (Value: $350)
Don't forget a thing when it comes to self-publishing your book. This checklist will prompt you to get everything you need together, to make the decision you need to make and take out the overwhelming "I don't know what I need" vibe so that your publishing journey is easy. (Value: $150)
One of the most satisfying things when you are writing your book is seeing your word count tick upwards. Keep track of your words, see at a glance if your chapters are balanced (no 200 word chapters next to 5000 word chapters with this tracker!). (Value: $100)
Do you know when you are the most efficient writer? Are you a night owl, an early bird or something in between? Track when you sit down to write and use this document to make commitments to yourself to sit down to write. (Value: $100)
A publishing consultant and book editor, Erin has been working for traditional trade publishers for around 20 years.
Over that time, she's worked on the development of hundreds of books, born from an idea at a pitch meeting, sold on the strength of sample text, a table of contents and a draft of the cover and internal design.
Erin can help you take the idea you have for a book in the back of your mind and turn it into a book that will have an impact, transform others and change the face of your business.
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