Ready to write a whole romance series in a year?

Feeling overwhelmed about how exactly to do that?

Click play to watch a quick free training on the four pillars you'll need to give your series a strong foundation!

Is this where you're at right now?

You know you need to be writing series to make your romance author dreams come true–but the thought of planning out the whole thing makes you want to break out in hives.

You’ve got a ton of ideas for the series, but once you sit down to start planning (or just go straight into writing—I see you, pantsers!), it’s just too much. Or you get halfway through writing the series and you lose momentum on it and want to be onto the next thing.

You feel the clock ticking, and it's a ton of pressure. All these obstacles in your way are wasting time and that time is in short supply, especially when you have Amazon’s algorithm AND your fans’ expectations pushing on you.

Hi, I'm Sarah!

I’m a book coach and editor who works exclusively with romance authors to help them achieve their publishing happily-ever-afters.

I created Series Architecture after seeing romance authors lose steam while writing series as they frantically tried to cover up the plot holes they accidentally left a few books back, their interest waned, and the series became a burden.

I’ve also seen writers burn out after trying desperately to produce so many books a year to meet the demands of Amazon’s algorithm (which rewards recency), readers clamoring for the next book as soon as the new one drops, and their own expectations of their life as an author (spoiler: it’s not as easy as it seems!).

So what you need is a clear plan to build a series so that you can pave the way to your dream romance writing career. And that is what Series Architecture is all about!

Series Architecture is made up of four 90-minute calls that give you a comprehensive plan to keep you motivated to write and meet your goals as a romance author.

Over the course of these calls, we’ll develop your series hook, make a plan for each book, get you in the right mindset to write the series at a consistent pace to meet demand, and figure out how to market the series.

Call #1

Lay the Foundation

Intro and Series Hook

  • In this call, we’ll figure out the direction of your series by determining your hook and honing in on exactly what’s going to make readers say “YES, I need these books NOW”
  • The series hook is a very specific concept–it’s not theme, it’s not a tagline, it’s not a blurb. It will determine the shape of your series and how you approach it, so it’s so important to get clear on this before you even start writing
  • By nailing down the hook first, you’ll get a clear vision for every step that follows: the books, the mindset, and the marketing–and this will make all of that work SO. MUCH. EASIER. when you tackle each step

Call #2

Draw Up the Plans

Sketching Out Each Book in the Series

  • In this call, we’re going to start roughing out how this series is going to look with a PLAN for each book
  • You won’t feel boxed in, don’t worry–this layout will give you lots of flexibility to move things around and change things as needed once you get deeper into the series and more comfortable with the world and characters you’re creating
  • Here’s where we’ll lay out all the characters, the tropes, the world-building, and all the necessary elements that you’ll need to tell the overall story of the series–all at your fingertips, even before you actually sit down and write a single sentence!

Call #3

Build the Mind Palace


  • In this call, we’re going to tackle the limiting beliefs that toss up obstacles and screw up your schedule
  • All writers come up against things like procrastination, writer’s block, and imposter syndrome, etc., and we’ll dial into your main issues so that you can eliminate them as you write
  • No more just trying to push through or moving deadlines for editors or missing your release date–we’re stopping all of that before it can start

Call #4

Make It Beautiful


  • In this call, we’ll focus on the outer beauty of your series in how you’ll market it
  • Marketing is all about strategic positioning. So we’ll brainstorm about how tropes are going to hit, which order the books should be in, how they should look, when you should release, etc. We’re thinking about marketing now so that you won’t get distracted thinking about it while you’re writing.
  • We’re also going to demolish the idea that your whole job is just to write and create. Writing is your business, and marketing is part of the work. We’ll talk about the best way to get your books out into the world and on the radar of readers who will become your biggest fans.
