The world around you is busy...

Slow it down!

Social media, work, outside obligations, and household chores. The world is around you is busy and motherhood can be overwhelming because of it. It's easy to get caught up in frustration and anxiety. We rarely take the time to slow down and just let ourselves enjoy life, but it's so important. This guide is a great way to bring intention and peace back to your life. 

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Slow Living Guide

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Your children are watching you

and reflecting your feelings

The simple truth is that being a mom is a super complicated business. It's emotional, there are no days off and it doesn't come with instructions. You feel guilty for being less than. 

No one is perfect but your children are watching you. They reflect what energy you put out, whether you realize it or not. Your children don't need a perfect mom, they need a peaceful mom. 

Learn to make space for yourself by planning for it intentionally. Your children will see this and learn to do the same. In a world that is only getting busier and demanding more of us, this is a priceless gift to give your children. 

I'm ready to start planning with intention for myself and my family!

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Meet your new friend Holly!

Hi, I am

Holly Chubb

I'm a home educating mom to 2 boys and 1 girl. I can always be found with a cup of coffee or tea. My passions are gardening, reading and homeschooling. I believe simple is better, and less is more.