Soul Pharmacist Accelerator

6-Week Online Mentoring Program

6x weekly group virtual (Zoom) calls

  • Bring awareness to how you are feeling and why your emotions are impacting you in this way so that you can clear your confusion, eradicate frustration and inertia and get out of your own way

  • Release high anxiety and swiftly manage your unwanted emotions so that you can find calm and harmony whenever you need it

  • Gain clarity, focus, comfort and hope, moving forward in the right direction ensuring you are motivated to make the changes that lead to your success

  • Banish parent guilt so that you can enjoy what you do for yourself without feeling bad about not being with your children. Understand why you might be feeling parent-guilt and how to banish it with small tweaks in your day that won’t cost you any extra time

  • Tap into your body’s deep wisdom so you can call on your inner guidance system for direction at any moment taking away doubt and indecision forever

  • Assert yourself to always ask for what you want so that you get your needs met even when you are unable to meet them yourself

  • Get relief from overwhelm, burn-out and analysis paralysis leaving you working more fruitfully with ease and a clear focused mind

  • Manage your energy and efficiency so your work/life balance improves and you comfortably navigate your family demands with guilt free self care priorities

  • Practical hacks to create a personal working space in a crowded house so that you declutter the stress to feel healthier, calmer and more at peace in your home without having to move out into an office

  • Discover where you are being led unconsciously. And then learn how to consciously change your focus and bring more choice to your life

  • Make friends with failure and break up with perfection so that you achieve progress and resolution without the negative pressure and self judgement

  • Develop the roadmap for your dream life so that you have the clarity to choose the options that are right for you without having to compromise to keep someone else happy

  • Uncover the unconscious habits that have been running your life in the background and letting you down till now so that you are able to make positive changes to your life with ease

  • Hack your brain to bring positive habits so that you manifest the life of your dreams on autopilot

  • Break old unhelpful patterns so you can say goodbye to the frustration of following the same automatic approach which has not been serving you and replace it with new, conscious and empowered automatic processes that bring effortless flow and ease to every day

  • Switch on your most powerful natural success tool so you win at life and business while feeling sensational and content

  • The elegantly simple method to create a life with more fun and feel-good whilst bringing a third more accomplishment into all areas of your life

  • Integrate a new way of being to celebrate the progress you have made and embed your new winning habits to continue the upward trend

Chill Out; Your Deepest Relaxation audio track will support you to get to a new and deeper level of relaxation

This transformational tool will bring ease as you create and build your new habits so that you can quickly recover from any current challenges and draw a line under them and move on without any niggling emotional baggage

Sumptuous Sleep And How To Get It is a PDF guide to ensure you obtain the best and deepest restorative sleep and wake up each morning feeling healthy and bright looking forward to the adventures of the day

HABIT HACKING: Building Your Best Life PDF is a daily tracker PDF for you to keep a personalised record and show your rapid progress of your habits being built so that you can remain motivated and know you are moving forwards


Making changes to your life, you might run up against some frustrations, questions in between modules, ideas and the need for company of others also doing the same work. It might feel a bit lonely when you are doing it alone.

Especially when family and friends don’t always understand what you are doing (or why).

That is why you will be fully supported by me in our private Facebook group where you will get your questions answered as you work through the program and be laser coached to deal with any frustrations in between calls.

Enjoy full support in the Facebook group (you will be welcomed in a day or two prior to starting the program)

STARTS: Tuesday 3rd May 2022 10am

Usual Price £499

Offer available until 5pm, Monday 25th April 2022


My powerful “Soul Pharmacist Accelerator” (for living your best life) process

A tried and tested, step-by-step process to connect with your deep inner wisdom and team it up with a logical step by step method to bring harmony, joy, clarity and efficiency into your life with ease, and have me by your side at every step.

6 weeks of modules via live group calls to give you transformation through an uncomplicated, logical, approach bringing efficiency, ease and joy at home and work so you really begin to enjoy life, seeing the happiness you were searching for and loving the feeling of doing it right.

6x weekly group virtual (Zoom) calls

Where you’ll get my step by step training and coaching to overcome blocks that you are experiencing and bring you the deep self understanding, clarity, change and efficiency in your life, bringing joy and success

There is also benefit in hearing other people’s questions and the answers as it will probably answer your own questions.

You also receive these additional resources

-to get you relaxing & sleeping deeply so that all the work you do is easier as well as keep track of your amazing changes:

Bonus #1 CHILL OUT: Your Deepest Relaxation

  • will support you to get to a deep level of relaxation

Bonus #2 SUMPTUOUS SLEEP and How To Get It

  • to ensure you obtain the best and deepest restorative sleep

Bonus #3 HABIT HACKING: Building Your Best Life

  • to help you to keep track of this essential activity and really create your best life

You will have daily access to me in a private Facebook group, exclusively for people in this Accelerator program...

Where I’ll be here with you on your transformation journey, answer your questions, and support you at every stage so this program will really bring you the results you desire.

All for just £197

When you purchase BEFORE 5pm, Monday 25th April 2022

    Testimonial from someone who has worked with me:
