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You have the opportunity to change lives with your own life story... 

But first, you have to start.

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Start Your Story Challenge

Spend time with Story Expert, Marcy Pusey, learning how to start your story so you can get over being stuck on the start and move forward with your story!

47.00 USD

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Have a great day!

Does this sound familiar?

You have a story you're finally ready to write. It's your story-the life you've lived, the things you've overcome, the mountains you've climbed. It's your legacy. The piece of you that outlives you. 

And maybe, just maybe, there's something of your story that will help someone else walk theirs.

So, you start writing and writing and get hit with self-doubt. Is your story going to be interesting to anyone other than you? Is it any good? Will people care? What if no one reads it? What if everyone reads it?

Or maybe you never start writing because you can't figure out where to start. 

Should you start with when you realized life was hard? Or should you start with today and work your way back? Shoot, maybe you should just start with your birth. Or your mom's birth. Actually, Grandma's birth was pretty significant... 

Who knew that starting would be one of the hardest parts of telling your story?

As an award-winning memoirist and best-selling author, I've learned how to inspire and encourage others as a result of a strategic start. This includes capturing my reader from the first lines, and keeping them engaged.

Wanna know how I do it? 

Join me in this 2 day challenge where we’ll talk through how to structure your story so that it's consumable, impactful, and satisfies the calling on your soul to get that story into the world.


What People Who’ve Worked with Marcy Say

The Details


This is for anyone who wants to write (or speak!) their story and just doesn't know where to start. Maybe you've begun writing but have a nagging question in your mind about whether you're doing it right. Or maybe you just keep over-thinking and never writing. This challenge is for the person who is ready to overcome this obstacle and invest in themselves and their message by taking a leap and 240 minutes of their life to start their story in the best possible way.


For two days, 90 minutes each day, I will walk you through how to start your story. 

For only $47, you'll walk away with everything you need to start writing confidently.

This will be both educational and experiential. You'll have time each day to put into practice what you're learning about starting your story. You'll get live feedback from me and other storytellers on the call to make sure you and your unique story are on the right track.

**Can't attend live? No worries. Each day's recording will be sent within an hour of the live event so you. can crush the challenge during your available hours!**


Saturday, October 8, 1:00pm PST / 4:00pm EST

Sunday, October 9, 1:00pm PST / 4:00pm EST

*Calls go for 90 minutes

**Can't attend live? No worries. Each day's recording will be sent within an hour of the live event so you can crush the challenge during your available hours!**


We will meet online using Zoom. You will get a link before the challenge begins. 


Because I believe in you! I believe every story matters, and some of them just need a boost up over the fence to get going. I've had people believe in me and give me that boost - now I want to give it to you. Telling our stories is about community and I want to invite you to be part of mine, through this challenge. There's no reason to do this alone.

Is It Recorded?

Yes, the challenge will be recorded and sent to attendees.

What If I've Already Started My Story?

That's great! Come get some new direction or affirmation that you're on the right track. Words and chapters can easily be moved around to fit a more effective structure for serving your target reader. Marcy has done this with her own books!

Okay, How Do I Reserve My Seat?

I'm so glad you asked! Place your hand over your heart and repeat after me:

"I, [say your name], do solemnly promise to myself to show up for this challenge, not just in body and mind, but with hope, belief, and willingness to do something good for me so that I can make this story the best that it can be for the world. If I can't find the hope and belief I need, I will borrow it from Marcy until I have my own. If I can't find the willingness I need, I will show up anyway because I promised myself I would. And I keep my promises. I deserve this chance."

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Start Your Story Challenge

Spend time with Story Expert, Marcy Pusey, learning how to start your story so you can get over being stuck on the start and move forward with your story!

47.00 USD

Thank you for your purchase

Have a great day!
