Tired of being stuck in your head and want to feel confident, trust yourself and follow your heart? 

Come and join in this 1-hour Empowering Event for Women.

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Can you relate to any of these?

◾️ You keep second guessing your decisions

◾️ You overthink and it keeps you feeling exhausted

◾️ You worry about what other people think, which stops you from being yourself.

◾️ You automatically fear the worst, so you miss out on great opportunities

57% of women are overthinkers and are immobilised by it*

When you overthink, it can suck the joy out of you. Life becomes like you're just surviving. You feel like you're not living your highest potential. You feel stuck!

Overthinking can impact your wellbeing. It can lead to depression and anxiety.

The good news is .. it's totally in your control to change it. 

I know this because I was there too. 

Let me show you how it's POSSIBLE. 


✨ Feeling calm and centred in your BEING

✨ Doing MORE of what YOU LOVE and finding the JOY of living again

✨ Feeling capable of making decisions that are completely aligned to you

✨ Feeling good about yourself as you worry less of what others think

It might not feel like it now, but all of this IS possible for you, and I want to show you how!

What you will gain:

✅ Clarity on what's causing you to feel stuck with overthinking.

✅ Understanding the FEMALE FACTOR and what this means for you.

✅ How you can have that peace of mind to be you, own your personal power and ENJOY LIFE to the fullest!

* Based on research study done by Dr. Susan Nolen-Hoeksema (psychologist)
