Stop doing LEOW life resentful and alone and surround yourself with positive women who just get it!

"I love my officer so much but sometimes I am just so lonely and resentful"

LEOW life is not for the faint of heart.

The world expects you to be physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually strong.

More often than not, you feel alone and feel sick of balancing all the things. While you love your friends and family-- sometimes they just don't totally get it.

If you're a parent, you find yourself single parenting often, which is stressful and overwhelming (even if like me, that's exactly where you want to be!).

You want to be the best support system for you officer, but you just don't know how when you already feel so drained. 

What if I told you it doesn't have to be like that?

What if there was a place you could be seen, heard, and understood. 

A place where....

You were surrounded by other women who just get it.

You get to hear from expert trainers every month.

You had endless tools and resources at your fingertips.

The Strong Police Wife Society Membership is a place for LEOW to support each other, learn and grow together, and be understood-- without judgement! There will be weekly Zoom chats to connect  and just be in community. Each month we will do a book club as well-- you don't have to read the book or buy to be a part of this-- just join us!

Each month there will be a guest expert training around topics such as marriage/relationships, finances, stress management, time management, and so much more! I want health and happiness for every aspect of your life. 

As a certified health and life coach, I have endless resources around topics such as nutrition, exercise, meditations, how to guides, and so much more. Anything my coaching clients have access to- you do as well! When you focus on filling your cup and being the best you, it ripples into every aspect of your life!

I know, I know, there are lots of FREE resources out there so why pay for this?!

As a penny pincher myself, I would ask the same thing. And here's my answer, when you make a financial commitment to things, you commit to them. Where money goes, energy flows. I know I am personally guilty of downloading so many free resources (from marriage tips, to chore charts, to self help/self care guides) and doing nothing with them-- because it cost me nothing to get it.

I don't want this to be another useless monthly budget line. I want this to support you, I want to be in this thing together, I want to lock arms with you because it is so tiring and lonely to do it without support.

Girl, all I am asking you to do is give up one Starbucks coffee each week, cancel that subscription to People Magazine (it isn't benefitting you anyway), or go out to eat once less a month to GAIN a whole new you while being surrounded by a community of like minded women who get LE life!

A little about me...

If you don't know me, hi, I am Lauren. I am married to my husband and we have three kiddos with #4 due in May!

Lemme get real with you, I struggled to put myself first. I struggled with resentment for my husband as he got to live out his passion, while I was stuck at home with the kids - even though that was exactly where I wanted to be! I struggled to take care of myself and make smart food choices. I was crabby and quick to anger 90% of the time. I spent a lot of time in LEO Wife Facebook groups, where I saw countless women share many of the same feelings and struggles I was experiencing. This led me to believe those things were “normal” and I began to accept my life as it was.

However, at the end of 2018, I decided life didn’t have to be like this. Life as a LEO wife didn’t have to suck! I could still prioritize my physical and mental health, despite my husband’s crazy work schedule. I could still find joy and happiness, even though it felt like I was on my own most of the time. I discovered I had much more control over my well-being than I thought. I realized we didn’t have to be slaves to my officer’s schedule... and that’s when I started making shifts and everything changed!

As soon as I began to shift my mindset, I was able to find more joy and freedom. I knew I had to share this with other police wives, because here’s the thing - our officers need our support! We need to put in the work to be the best versions of ourselves, so we can show up for them when they need it most. I know I wasn’t the person my husband needs when I was feeling resentful and not taking care of myself. I know I show up better for him, now. Don’t get me wrong - we are all allowed to have our days. But I am here to give you the proper tools, so you can show up for your officer too!

I understand what worked for me, may not be the secret sauce for everyone, which is why I got certified as a Health and Life Coach. I now help LEO wives live the life they desire, despite the daily challenges they face!

My prayer is that you stop doing this alone. That you jump in, use the resources, join the trainings and as a result become the best you. Because girl, until you refill your cup, you can't show up in life how you want. Until you have a tribe and community that sees, hears, and understands you without judgement, this life is so much harder than it needs to be.

So please, join me and the other women who have decided to take LE life by the horns, jump into the Strong Police Wife Society Membership. I promise, you won't regret it. Do this one thing for yourself so you can be the best you for all those you love.
