Don't miss out! Spaces are limited!
It all starts with you...Having a better connection with your horse or your spouse, feeling confident to swing a leg over or have a tough conversation, trusting that you know what to do and can handle the situation, having a horse (or husband ha) who listens to you...and SO much more. It all STARTS with you.
The time is now...
I truly believe there has never been a better time for this course. You have been given the time you need. Remember when time was your biggest hurdle between you and your ability to do the work, put yourself first and investing in new knowledge? You have been given time and that almost NEVER happens!
You have a powerful opportunity...
Your mindset is what is going to set you apart from everyone else when we emerge from these crazy times. Many people are going to focus on all of the negative the year 2020 has brought into their lives, this is an opportunity for you to reintegrate into the world feeling more connected, confident and in control than ever before which will allow you to OWN the rest of 2020 versus resent it and idly wait for 2021 to take away the pain.
Your horses and humans will thank you...
When you become honest with yourself and make powerful shifts in your mindset you will see those shifts ripple into all areas of your life, your thoughts, feelings, communication and abundance. Which is why this workshop is more than just about our horsemanship, it’s about pinnacle success in all areas of life. Especially the ones no one else really knows that you are struggling with.
1. Show up fully
2. Be coachable
3. Get honest
4. Connect with like-minded people
If you can comfortably do these four things, this may be a perfect fit for you.
Take the Reins Workshop: "The Foundation" is for horse owners who are longing for more confidence, connection and control in life, in and out of the arena. They are ready to get honest and transform their mindset to take them to the next level.
This workshop offers practical, foundational mindset tools that will help participants gain clarity in all areas of their life. They will learn the interconnectedness of their life through my holistic approach to mastering mindset.
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