TKT Module 1 Course: 40 hours with Nataliya Zachynska

Every day, the effective teacher comes to class prepared to teach.

We prepare you to be prepared.

18.02 - 26.02 on Saturdays and Sundays

Nataliya Zachynska

Founder and CEO

A+ Language Studio - one of the best language studios in Khmelnytskiy, Ukraine and Cambridge Exam Preparation Centre

Teacher Trainer

More than 150 successful TKT prep course graduates with Band 4 results

CELTA, TKT, IELTS instructor, CPE, IATEFL Conference presenter

You’ve likely put your professional development off already for any of the following hesitations or anxieties...



“But first I have to read [insert all the teaching Bibles here]. And the list is still endless”



“But isn’t there someone else who would teach better? Like… a CELTA teacher?”.



“I just need the right time, or to hire the right support. What if I need individual counseling?”

And we get that because when something BIG is on the horizon, it’s normal to want to shut it down, avoid it, and maybe even spend years reading about international qualifications instead of actually doing a prep course.

SPOILER: After this course you can match wits with CELTA teachers

Plus, while your teaching passion *could* be enough to carry you through… the truth is you’re sometimes still a bit lost when you sit down to teaching knowledge test. Wondering...

💭 “Wait, am I doing this RIGHT?”

💭 “Am I following all the international standards?”

💭 “What are the rules and structures I need to follow to have AMAZING results?”

💭 “Are there any useful tips and tricks that may help me make it better?”

Well, my dear teacher, that’s precisely what we are here to help you with:

not only how to coop with tasks, structures, time management during the Cambridge test for teachers but also how to become even a better teacher.

To those who have never taught, it is difficult to grasp how diverse and dynamic a skillset a language teacher needs to succeed in a busy, demanding classroom setting. For some, these challenges are overwhelming. But they don’t have to be.

Consider our TKT Module 1 preparation course as the actionable plan for putting everything into practice - to sharpen and develop your own skills. The results, as you may find, can make all the difference.

You can make a difference.

Regular fee is active till 14.02.23

limited offer

00 Days
00 Hours
00 Mins
00 Secs

Regular Fee

USD 95

28.01 - 14.02.2023

Last days Fee

USD 105

15.02  - 17.02.2023

What's inside the TKT Module 1 course?


9:00 am - 11:00 am

a 30- minute break

11:30 am - 1:30 pm

a 30- minute break

2:00 am - 3:00 pm

Ukrainian Time

Saturdays and Sundays


All the recordings and the presentations along with useful resources will be sent to the participants and be available a month after the course


At the end of the course, each participant will take a mock test and will receive the approximate score with the recommendations on the material to brush up

Course Syllabus:

yes, you will get it all - dreams come true

Section 1: Describing language and language skills

Concepts and terminology for describing language: grammar, lexis, phonology and functions.

Concepts and terminology for describing language skills and subskills, e.g. reading for gist, scanning


• parts of speech
• the forms and use of grammatical structures


• types of meaning
• word formation, e.g. prefixes, suffixes, compounds
• word groupings, e.g. synonyms, antonyms, lexical sets, homophones, collocation
• register


• symbols from the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
• phonemes
• word stress, sentence stress
• intonation
• connected speech


• context
• levels of formality
• appropriacy
• a range of functions and their typical exponents

Language Skills:

• reading, listening, speaking, writing and their subskills
• features of spoken and written texts, e.g. layout, organisation, accuracy,
fluency, authenticity

Section 2: Background to language learning

Factors in the language-learning process, e.g.
• motivation
• exposure to language and focus on form
• the role of error differences between L1 and L2 learning
• learner characteristics
learning strategies
learning preferences
past language-learning experience
• learner needs


influences on motivation
• the importance of motivation
• measures that can increase motivation

Exposure to language and focus on form:

• acquisition
• silent period
• L2 learners’ need for interaction and focus on
form as complements of exposure

The role of error:

• errors and slips
• interference and developmental errors
• interlanguage

The differences between L1 and L2 learning:

• differences in age
• differences in the context of learning
• differences in ways of learning

Learner characteristics:

• common learning preferences
• common learning strategies
• maturity
• past language-learning experiences
• how learner characteristics affect learning

Section 3: Background to language teaching

The range of methods, tasks and activities available to the language teacher.
• presentation techniques and introductory activities
• practice activities and tasks for language and skills development
• assessment types and tasks
• appropriate terminology to describe the above

Presentation and introductory activities:

• introductory activities, warmers and lead-ins
• common ways of presenting language

Types of activities and tasks for language and skills development:

• the design of a range of common comprehension and production tasks and activities
• prompting, eliciting, drilling
Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP)
Task-based Learning (TBL)
Total Physical Response (TPR)
the Lexical Approach
guided discovery

Assessment types and tasks:

• purposes for assessment: diagnostic, placement, achievement, formative, progress, proficiency
• methods of assessment, e.g. self, peer, portfolio, informal and formal
• the design and purpose of a range of assessment tasks and activities

This course is organised in partnership with the TatarovaLab teacher professional development community. TatarovaLab is ruled by Eva Tatarova. She has been working with different types of teacher professional development for more than 10 years.

'I am a passionate teacher and teacher trainer. Even at a very early age, I knew that teaching was my jam. From creating teacher-student role plays with my sister when I was just 7 (yep, started early  #teachingismyreligion), to earning awards, gaining international qualifications, presenting at International ELT conferences - I couldn't stop sharing my knowledge.

At 18, I was so obsessed with #teaching that I designed my own course for my students and kept studying everything from Heinrich Pestalozzi, John Amos Comenius, Noam Chomsky, Jean Piaget to Jim Scrivener, Jeremy Harmer, Scott Thornburry, Andrew Walkley and Hugh Dellar. Then, I took myself to CELTA, CELT-P, TKT , TKT CLIL, TESOL Teacher trainer to make my lessons even better and to have more to share with my colleagues.

We had our Teacher's Voice Conferences, Ever Teach and Learn Course, webinars, free lesson plans, TKT CLIL prep course ... and just coffee time together hanging out on Zoom supporting each other.

I believe I have been taught by the best in our industry. And now I understand how important it is to share experience with others. TatarovaLab is the follow up of my passion for teaching, my 22+ years of experience and mastery in methodology. Join me and let's design your best lessons. Because I do believe GREAT lessons as GREAT teachers have the power to change the world.'
