Would you like to bring some calm into your home?

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Do you feel like this about your home?

Overwhelmed and stressed by clutter.

You don't know where or how to start. 

Frustrated .... that your home isn't organised. You can't find things so you find yourself wasting precious time searching for misplaced items and struggling to keep on top of daily tasks.

You remember that time you had to find an important piece of paper - and you couldn't - aargh!

You keep promising yourself that you're going to do the decluttering but the thing is, you never quite fit it in as there's always so many other things on your daily to do list, right? 

You keep saying, 'when I have more time - I'm going to do that'.

You're fed up with stuff that's just 'there'.

The piles.....you know the ones...that constantly wink at you. You remember every few weeks that a few months ago you were going to tidy them up. But never did.

You feel that too much of your time at home is taken up with tidying and putting things away. 

You've realised the 'heaviness' that comes with too much stuff and not getting on top of it.

Let's be honest with each other a moment .....

How long have you been promising yourself that you're going to declutter and sort your home?

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What if it was like this instead?

⭐ Imagine saying goodbye to the stress and overwhelm that clutter brings and hello to a life of calm, clarity and peace.

⭐ Imagine getting rid of the heaviness and feeling lighter, brighter and happier.

⭐ Imagine walking into your home and smiling at what greets you.....every time.

⭐ Imagine easily finding what you need because everything has its own 'tidy place'.

⭐ Imagine seeing CLEAR surfaces in your home.

⭐ Imagine opening drawers and cupboard's and seeing tidy, organised spaces.

Imagine being able to decorate the spaces you've been desperate to sort.

⭐ Imagine feeling happy, and proud to have guests and visitors in your home.

⭐ Imagine enjoying time in your home and feeling more connected as a family.

⭐ Imagine having more time and energy for the things that truly matter.

Now imagine this ....

Being part of a friendly and supportive community of like-minded individuals.

A space where the following values run through every thread of how it's run:

⭐ Kindness 

⭐ Joy

⭐ Togetherness

No longer feeling lost and alone on your declutter journey.

Doing it at your own pace and in bitesize steps. 

Receiving help and advice tailored to you and your home.

Enjoying.....more space....more time.....less stress and more peace.

Ooh, I hear you say!

Are you ready to create space and make a LASTING difference to your home and life?

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Welcome to The Declutter Lounge

🏡 Your ultimate SOLUTION to a clutter-free life. 

The Declutter Lounge is an online membership to help you declutter and simplify your home and life.

When you join you'll get a warm welcome from Sarah and all the other Declutter Loungers 😊

You'll get immediate access to the private Facebook Group and the Memberships' very own online portal.  

The Membership is now in it's third quarter and the content is 'building as we go' and will grow each month. 

The aim of The Declutter Lounge is to help transform your living space and bring peace and harmony into your life. 

I understand that decluttering can be overwhelming, which is why I created this friendlysupportive community where you can learn and grow at your own pace.

You'll get my full support and be able to follow step-by step guidance.

You'll gain access to an exclusive community of like-minded individuals, all committed to simplifying their lives.

Together, we'll support and inspire each other on this transformative journey and in this totally judgement-free space.

The Membership is super friendly and non-judgemental. You'll feel a fabulous sense of togetherness as well as friendliness from everyone in there.

You really are in this all together!

This is one of the over-arching main themes of the Membership. 

Keeping it all SIMPLE and easy to DO and implement. Trainings and tips are deliberately bitesize and easy to digest.

Keeping it simple and NON-OVERWHELMING inside the Membership so that you can:

Fit it into your own routine and life; feel motivated and encouraged and make fabulous progress, step-by-step.

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There's also:

  • Fortnightly Live Q&A Sessions: Get personalised support from Sarah during live Q&A sessions, where you can ask your burning questions, seek guidance, and gain valuable advice and insights.
  • A growing library of bitesize video trainings: Enjoy easily digestible video lessons that break down the decluttering and organising process into manageable steps, empowering you to take action.
  • Each Monday, Sarah will do a short live in the Group walking you through a 15 Minute Declutter or Tidy for that week. You can choose to do that one or choose your own.
  • A 'Weekly Tip' posted in the group every week.
  • The tips and bitesize trainings will include: tips on how to declutter (but of course 😉), 'Resets' and routines, how to do 'maintenance mode', ways to organise and ideas for storage plus more.
  • Every other month we have 'The Great Big Tidy Up Day'. This is a dedicated, optional to join in day (so far they have been on a Saturday) to help you tackle either something bigger or a few 15 minute things. We start the day all together on Zoom with a mini self-care session, designed to motivate and inspire you. Then tips, support and help from Sarah before everyone goes off to do their declutters. Before & After photos are shared in the Group and Sarah is on hand to help at any time.  
  • You can dip in and out during the day as commitments suit. Most members wrap up their tasks by 4pm or earlier and then we get together briefly on Zoom early evening to celebrate our achievements.
    • This year we're going to start introducing 'Pop-up Guest Experts' on a range of related subjects to running and managing your home and life.
    • Accountability and Goal Check-ins: Stay motivated and accountable with regular check-ins, helping you track your progress and celebrate your achievements along the way.
    • A bi-monthly email giving you a round-up of what's been going on and what to expect. 
    • Ongoing support and encouragement from Sarah - your in-house decluttering and organising expert.
    • There's no tie-in. You can leave any time, although I hope you stay  😊

    Join now for just £17 a month!

    That's just £4.25 a week or 56 pence a day over 30 days!

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    Is it time to make this happen?

    And the best thing about joining the membership is that you won't be alone.

    It's ok, I've got you!

    It's time to start this journey. We're going to do this .....TOGETHER

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    Yay! Thank you for joining the Membership!

    Have a great day!

    Meet Sarah

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    What they say:

    More feedback from members:

    ⭐ What I love about the Membership is that Sarah gives you tips and advice on how to actively tackle certain areas of your home. 

    ⭐ Often it's the getting started and needing the momentum and encouragement to do it, and Sarah really helps with that. 

    ⭐ I love the emails with links to mini trainings and posts especially, like a round up of main tips and videos. Also love the portal and having everything in one place!

    ⭐ I joined The Declutter Lounge to help me to get on top of transforming my home into a space that is more aligned with a yogic way of living. The wonderful Sarah is so inspiring & encouraging, that I now feel empowered to really take on this part of my yoga practice…the overwhelm was getting in the way before.

    ⭐ Finally started tackling the dreaded book trolley yesterday and did half then and the rest today and now I have a lovely trolley again and clear space for more books I can finally organise books I need to read by certain dates for review.

    ⭐ I really love the external accountability and being able to share before and after pictures in the Group. 

    ⭐ The session I had with Sarah when I first joined was really helpful because she talked me through my plan and we uncovered some stumbling blocks for me that were holding me back. Sarah helped me break it down into steps to do, and I've now done it!

    ⭐ Sarah gives you a Home Vision & Goals Planner - I had an idea of my vision for my home but actually getting me to write it down and asking me questions like how do I want it to feel has helped me realise I can have it like that. 

    ⭐ I love that it's all very realistic  - while I would like to make all these changes to my home I only have a certain amount of time and it helps knowing I have a plan and can move through it bit by bit. 

    ⭐ Sarah and everyone else in the Membership are great at encouraging us and celebrating with us!

    ⭐ I'm a very grateful member of The Declutter Lounge and my house is a nightmare but I’m working through it with  Sarah's fantastic help.

    ⭐ There is something very special about doing this TOGETHER.

    ⭐ Thank you Sarah - my home definitely needs you in my life! 🥰

    Less clutter definitely means less stress

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