Save Time and Thrive More Every Day

Identify and eliminate pesky time leaks that steal your happiness

Are you always busy?

Do you secretly feel overwhelmed?

Is there alignment between how you spend your time and the legacy you wanna leave behind?

How you spend your day says a lot about how you spend your life.

Clarify your values and priorities. Honor your inner voice. And, leave the pressure of constant productivity behind.

The quiz takes 5 minutes, and you’ll get immediate results with:

  • Simple, actionable steps to save time
  • Tips to restore your power of choice
  • Ways to create more balance and integration at work and at home

A happier, more fulfilling life begins with your precious time.

Known for my love of dark chocolate, Christmas decorations, and fur-baby snuggles.

I’m a former corporate yes-gal turned work-life integration coach, writer, and speaker with big dreams.

I help people be free of overwhelm, reclaim their purpose, and feel fulfilled.

I’ve peeled back the layers of my socially acceptable addictions to work, busyness, accoladees, and atta-girls that wreaked havoc on my life.

Through therapy, 12-step recovery, lots of books, meditation, and intentionally recreating my life to reflect a slower pace, I've transformed.

My time now mirrors my priorities, goals, and the legacy I want to leave behind.

I wanna teach you how to do this too!

Why I Created This Quiz

I spent years excessively working, people-pleasing, lacking boundaries, and alternating between feeling overwhelmed, disconnected, and stuck.

Then I realized I get to choose. It sounds silly to admit, but I had to remember that I’m an adult, and I have choices.

In the midst of life’s unrelenting busyness, it’s easy to forget.

Most of all, I had to learn to set boundaries with myself around when and how much I worked.

After years of over-working, feeling stressed, undervalued, and always behind, I finally reached a breakpoint. Something had to change – ME and how I prioritized my time.

The quiz identifies habits and routines that are no longer serving you. It’ll spark new awareness and provide tools for change.

After awareness comes the gift of clarity, followed by the opportunity to choose.

Copyright © Rebecca Murauskas 2022
