Through the sacred turning points of your life,

 May your journey become a quiet (re)evolution that illuminates the beauty of healing, peace, and limitless possibility within you. 

May it be a sanctuary for you to come home to, again and again. 

And may it be the medicine to create a deeper connection with yourself and your Soul. 

What are the Akashic Records?

Imagine a beautiful library filled from floor to ceiling with thousands of books, and each book represents an entire lifetime, this is your Akashic Records.

Your Akashic Records contain all your wisdom through all your incarnations. They’re a 5th-dimensional energetic database of your soul’s entire journey from its first spark of creation.

Every thought, word, deed, action, or resolution that you have ever made or experienced since your soul’s creation is held within the Akashic Records.

A Journey of Discovery

The Akashic Records are a journey of self-discovery, a remembering of your soul’s truth.

They can support you with … 

Releasing karmic blocks or limiting beliefs that stay on a continuous loop within your life. 

Accessing your own inner wisdom.

Receive insight into your soul's journey. 

Shift your perspective on how you view a specific issue. 

Create changes in your confidence and self-belief. 

Heal childhood wounds. 

Understand how the energy of your past lives is related to what needs healing in your life today.

Heal wounds of emotional trauma - Grief, Loss, Rejection, Belonging, Betrayal, Abandonment, Unworthiness, Fear of speaking your truth. Unresolved grief or trauma can keep you trapped in the same behavior pattern for lifetimes. 

This and so much more!

You're invitation...

You're a heart-centered soul, intuitive, open-minded, and you love to dive deep.  You know deep down, that you're a catalyst for change.

And maybe you’ve reached a threshold that feels impossible to move past.  

You may be feeling stuck, uncertain, and wondering if you're heading in the right direction. 

You may be in the middle of a life transition, struggling with unresolved emotions of loss or a relationship.  Struggling with limiting beliefs of self-worth, belonging, purpose, childhood wounds, shadows of fear, or trusting your own inner wisdom.

Yet, here you are, willing to take the steps necessary to create change within your life!

So that you can...

Heal at a soul level.

Feel more empowered.

Reconnect with your purpose.

Remember your true authentic self.

Reclaim your own inner healing & spiritual growth.

Have more clarity, insight, and understanding.

And feel motivated to take the steps that you know in you’re heart, that you’re ready for.

In our sessions together, you will be held in a sacred space while our guides bring forward guidance, clearing and spiritual healing to support you to move forward on your life’s path.

What to expect...

We'll take a few moments at the beginning of your session to discuss your questions, and then I'll guide you into a short meditation to help you feel grounded while guiding you into your records.  Once we're there, we'll connect with your Akashic Record guides.

From here, your guides may offer information for you, or show a past or future life that may mirror your current situation or empower possibilities. They may guide me to do some energy healing or chakra clearing.  I find that every session is different and enlightening in its own way.

If you're ready to receive some guidance and clarity, then I would love to hold space for you!

Akashic Record Session - 1 Session

These readings are for you if you're ready to commit to your own inner healing & spiritual growth, as you remember the truth of who you are.

Akashic Record Session - 3 Sessions

Your soul’s journey comes with specific lessons to learn in this lifetime, and so this 3-session package offers you continued healing support.

Akashic Record Healing is a complementary holistic therapy of a spiritual nature. Any information given is not a substitute for advice or treatment from a licensed medical, legal, financial, or psychological professional.

Love Notes

"Tracey, I always get so much from your readings and healing work, but the journey you took me on to view and re-write my records was so powerful. You are a gifted intuitive!"

- Kerri Gray-Miller

I had an Akashic Record reading with @traceyswainson.

Oh, my was so enlightening and resonated deeply. We cleared ancestral lines and set a mission for this timeline. I’m grateful for the knowledge which has lifted a great heaviness and set my path forward. If you have an interest in your Akashic records, I don't hesitate to recommend Tracey.

- Sarah Maturin-Baird

Tracey is an incredibly generous and gifted healer. I had an Akashic Records session with her, and it was a profound experience. I was amazed at what she was able to pick up in my records, including details about my life that she had no way of knowing. She was also able to clear and heal a lot of stuck energy, and I had wave after wave of full-body goosebumps! I came out of the reading feeling renewed, supported, and held. If you are looking to gain new insights about yourself, your relationships, your soul purpose (or something else!), I would highly recommend working with Tracey.

- Charlotte Webb

About Tracey



My apprenticeship with healing began with multiple miscarriages. 

For years, I'd repressed my grief, not knowing how to tend to it, or how to honor my babies. I’d lost myself in my grief.  Yet, slowly my broken heart began to mend and in time, I met my babe in spirit, Bohdi, who became the catalyst for my healing journey.  

I slowly began to learn different modalities and cultivate my own spiritual practice, and one day while channeling a baby in spirit for a client, I found myself connecting with her Akashic Records and it was from this moment on that I became fascinated with how the Records can support our healing journey.  This led me to study through reading and training to be certified to further support my clients. 

I share this with you to remind you to… Trust your journey.  You will find peace on the other side of it all.

And I'm here to walk beside you while you heal, awaken your joy, and reconnect with yourself and your soul.

I respectfully acknowledge,

the people of the Syilx Territory, Okanagan Nation Alliance as the traditional landowners of where I work and reside. I give thanks to my European ancestors and pay my respects to all elders Past, Present, and Emerging.
