Ready to create your ultimate travel dream list?

Get inspired to travel like you mean it and live your best life

The guide that shows you the simple steps to creating your own travel dream list. Learn how to get inspired and capture your best ideas today, so you're ready to travel when the time is right again.

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Get inspired

Discover nine fun hacks to tap into your own travel inspiration  and destination ideas. 

Capture your ideas

A simple, step-by-step method to capture your travel dreams. Worksheets ready to print and use!

No stress

Forget about travel logistics and just enjoy the mental journey as you let yourself be inspired.

Christina Schlegel, CTA

About your travel agent expert

As a certified professional travel advisor and founder of Bluetail Travel, I help couples, families, and groups experience destination-focused, culturally enriching cruise journeys and custom itineraries, for memories that last a lifetime. Now it's your turn to map out a travel life you'll love!

Compatible with all devices

Get your free copy

Get your copy and read it wherever you like. Whether it's on desktop, curled up on your couch with your tablet, or on-the-go on your phone. My tip: once you download your guide, print it out so you can fill in the worksheets with a pen or pencil.

Enter your email address and name below to get your free 10-page guide
