as an audiobook with a read-along file
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Gus Makes A Fuss audiobook &
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Usually, children's books are only entertaining for the children and not so entertaining for the older person reading them, but this book is the complete opposite. I found myself laughing at the grumpy (and honestly quite relatable) stuff Gus says multiple times! This book is a super easy and fun read. The illustrations really make the story come to life. I would definitely recommend!
Hannah, Babysitter who always needs new children's books!
I liked it because it is funny and exciting. I like that it is a fresh book and new.
Angus, 9
I thought it was a great story. I think the writers wrote a fantastic book and I liked when Gus said he wasn't a unicorn. I like unicorns. Mummy read the book to me, and she did a funny voice for Gus.
Kathleen, 6
This is a great, fun, fresh chapter book for early readers, sure to appeal to kids who love friends, animals and magic (which would be a LOT of kids). With short chapters and a sprinkling of illustrations, it will easily engage a young reader. I recognised myself as a child in the longing for a pet, and a magical pet is, well... magical. I look forward to more from Ella Shine. PS I love the clever cover artwork!
Debra Tidball, children's author