
Choose the right session for you


30 Minutes

Virtual Tea Chat

Inside the session

We will discuss:

Your Promotion Challenges

Your Promotion Questions.




Virtual Tea Promotion Audit Sessions​

How's Your Book Promotion?

Inside the session

We will discuss:

Your Promotion Challenges

Who Are Your Customers

Where To Find Them

How To Engage Them

Promotion Content

How To Increase Sales

Email Marketing



Virtual Tea Promotion Strategy Sessions​

Virtual Tea with LaShaunda is

a 90-minute promotion strategy session.

Inside the session

We will discuss your

Promotion Challenges

Your Promotion Mindset

Your Promotion Questions

Book Launch Advice

3mth Promotion Plan

Who Are Your Customers?

Where To Find Them

How To Engage Them

Promotion Content

How To Increase Sales

Email Marketing

Finding The Fun In Your Promotion

A five-point promotion strategy plan will be created to define who is your audience, what type of promotion to do to help you stay consistent with your promotion and ways to track your promotion results.

A mp3 copy of the session is included.


Pick My Brain

30 Minutes



A mp3 copy of the session is included.

Pick My Brain 




A mp3 copy of the session is included.

Training Session

90 Minutes

A 90-minute book promotion training session.

 A mp3 copy of the session is included.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who Is A Virtual Tea For?


Business Owners

Why You Need A Virtual Tea?

Don't know where to start with

Don't know who your audience is

Need advice on promotion

Need to brainstorming ideas

Need promotion strategies

Need promotion content ideas

Need Social Media help

Need email marketing strategies

Need book launch strategies


Do You Know

Who Are Your Readers

Where To Find Them

How To Engage Them

How To Increase Book Sales

Building Your Readership

Business Owners

Do You Know

Who Are Your Customers

Where To Find Them

How To Engage Them

How To Increase Sales

Email Marketing
