Tips for 2021's Crypto Tax Season

A playbook with tax scenarios explained by a crypto expert CPA.

What's in the guide

We focus on the major 7 trends we believe will go mainstream in 2021 and guide trough the main tax challenges and scenarios that you can face under each trend.

Tax Settings amid Bitcoin All-Time High

Learn how a long-term capital gains tax can benefit you amid Bitcoin's price increase to ATH in 2021.

Rising Crypto Interest Income

Adoption of Interest-Earning solutions like BlockFi will rise, but do you know what taxes are involved?

BTC Debit Cards go Mainstream

Crypto debits cards with rewards go mainstream amid a complicated tax setting on each purchase.

The Rise of NFTS and Digital Art

NFT's and digital art will take center stage, but their tax setting is still foggy. We have some answers. 

Airdrops Tax Setting in the US

Spark Airdrop caused surprise in the US due to double taxation. We clarify airdrop's settings!

Remote-Work Leads to Exodus

 Traders are moving to tax-friendly states and other countries. We show you what the move entails. 

Developed with an Expert CPA in the US


The information contained on this report and website is provided for general information purposes only. It is not intended nor should it be used as a substitute for tax, audit, accounting, investment, legal or other professional advice on any subject matter.

Please consult your tax/financial/legal advisor before making any decision or taking any action on accounting, tax, financial and legal related matters and issues. All the scenarios presented are based on hypothetical situations with assumptions to serve an educational purpose.

The information provided in this report and website is subject to change without notice. All information on this report and website is provided "as is," and based on current rules, which can change at any time.
