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Pay "Per pallet per day"

If you think paying for storage by “pallet per month” is flexible you are wrong!

At StoringCargo, we charge for storage "per pallet per day".

▶ This means that if you have 12 pallets in stock today, we will charge you 12. However, if you only have 5 pallets in stock tomorrow, we will only charge you these 5 ◀.

This is the only way to be flexible - accounting for how much cargo you have in stock on a specific day.

Price list of 3 warehouses in Italy

Quantity discounts on warehousing services




For warehousing

between 15 and 19

euro pallets

For warehousing

between 20 and 29

euro pallets

For warehousing

over 30 euro

Discounts apply to all warehouse services: unloading, storage, loading.

* All discounts are calculated systematically. Each reservation exceeding a certain number of pallets is subject to a discount

automatically deducted for storage.

Customer reviews - 2022

3 things you don't know about StoringCargo

1. Did you know that we have more than 485 warehouses in 28 European countries available in the database? 💁‍♂️

2. In addition to warehousing, our warehouses can provide other services, such as transshipment, packing and repacking of collected goods, and distribution (transport, fulfillment). Isn't that cool? 

3. Be careful with the price! The price usually consists of 4 items: Input handling (acceptance of the pallet in the warehouse), storage per pallet per day, output handling (delivery of the pallet to the client/customer), and the minimum monthly cost.

Contact me and I will send you
FREE warehouse offer 📧


Phone: (+386) 40 505 569
