The Productivity Browser: Captain Time's Wavebox Workflow

Thurs, Aug 29

10:00am - 11:00am MDT

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What will you learn?

Can a browser make you more productive? Is there a browser built from the ground up to improve productivity? And why, in a world full of free browsers, would anyone pay for a browser? 

Find out by following along with Garland Coulson, "Captain Time’s" as this time management expert shares his Wavebox Workflow.

The presenter

About Garland "Captain Time"

Garland is the author of the Amazon-bestselling book on time management, “Stop Wasting Time: End Procrastination in 5 Weeks” and has been teaching and coaching on time management and productivity for over 15 years. Thousands of people have learned to get more done in less time through Garland’s workshops.

Time management isn’t just about work. One of the reasons Garland loves to teach time management is so that people have more time for what is important in their life. Time for family, friends, community, and passions. Time just to be a human “be-ing” instead of a human do-ing. More time for those moments that take your breath away…

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