The Psychology of Wealth Building

David Matthews has a Masters Degree in Behavioral Science and has written courses around improving our Psychology and Relationship with Wealth and Finances.

Joshua E. Hernandez is a CFEd - Certified Financial Educator with 20 years of experience coaching families and business owners in the are of money and wealth building.

They both have a conversation about "The Psychology of Wealth" and Joshua asks David about all things Mind and Money.

Topics Covered In The Webinar Replay

  1. A story about toddlers, marshmallows and how postponing a treat determined the success of the rest of their lives
  2. How when you remove a habit it creates a vacuum and how careful you need to be with what you replace that habit with
  3. The 3 areas that most people most struggle with in life
  4. The relationship you have with "problems" that come up in life and how you handle them will determine your success in EVERYTHING in life.
  5. The idea of Small Decisions/Small Feelings over time compounding
  6. Your language matters
  7. The "Emotional Triad"
  8. Resolving internal issue using "The Dickens Pattern"

Request a copy of the one hour interview
