Ready For Some MAGIC?

Live Magically

Like a WIZARD!

Do you know that you have a "Inner Guidance System" within you through which your HIGHER SELF communicates with you?

It works non-stop 24/7, giving you signals on a moment-to-moment basis so that you can come into alignment with your ‘Life Purpose Timeline’ – your path of least resistance and most harmonious evolution.

When I emerged from my dark night of the soul in mid-2020, I ascended to the 4th density stage of consciousness – the ‘wizard’ stage of consciousness – and started experiencing shifts, downloads, healing, and up-leveling.

I realized that there is an "inner guidance" within us that knows everything about who we are and our personal journey. It's like our "inner guru" that is always here to guide us to our best life.

In my free 90-minute WIZARD CONSCIOUSNESS masterclass/group training session, I will share how you can connect with your ‘Divine Guidance System’ and come into alignment with your highest timeline – your ‘Life purpose Timeline’. This will allow all the abundance that is part of your soul’s blueprint to flow into your life and accelerate your spiritual growth journey.

I will also share with you my 2-minute ‘Inner Audit’ method that will help you pay attention to the most important indicators of your ‘Inner Guidance System’.

The masterclass will be on Saturday, May 20th, 2023, at 9 am PT and 12 o'clock midday ET. PT is Pacific Daylight Time (US), and ET is Eastern Daylight Time (US). To convert this time to your time zone, please use this link:

This masterclass is specifically designed for lightworkers and those on their spiritual growth journey.

Only attendees will get to see the replay, so be sure to show up! Sign up below and let's manifest magic together!

When you sign up, I'll be able to send you emails about this event and future ones - along with other relevant information!

I can't wait to see you at my next event.

Just relax already, for Christ's sake!

By Debjit
