Come and join us!

Pop your email address in to sign up at the bottom of the page & you will receive your link to the FREE online Zoom session at 13:00 on Tuesday, 11th October 2022.

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This is for you if...

You know that you need to find more work life balance...

You don't want to give up on your career despite having had children and feeling as though it is near impossible...

You're ambitious and driven, but...

You struggle to remain present whilst at work or at home with your family...

You find yourself signing up for non-important things that you don't actually want to do or don't have the time for...

You feel your wellbeing is taking a hit as a result of the lack of structure you have in your work/life right now.

What will I come away with?

After the masterclass, you're going to walk away with :

1. An understanding of what boundaries actually are

2. Exercises to identify and repair boundaries that you can keep coming back to

3. Concrete ways to get MORE work life balance and LESS burnout by building your prioritised & personal boundaries

4. A plan to SUSTAIN your balanced lifestyle by repairing damaged boundaries

We aren't sticking a plaster over this - we're getting real and prioritising your needs once and for all.
