Your Dream Farmhouse-Homestead Workbook

Thinking of moving to the country and buying a bunch of land so that you can start homesteading, but don't know where to start? This Workbook is an easy-read guide and will inspire you to start living your Farmhouse-Homesteading DREAMS no matter where you live.

What's Included-

  • A Road Map to your DREAM Farmhouse-Homestead
  • Where to start
  • Creating your Vision (Dream)
  • Setting Goals
  • Creating a Plan to Achieve Your Goals
  • Tips, Tricks and Examples along the way

We have taken the except process that we used to create our DREAM Farmhouse-Homestead and turned it into a Workbook to inspire and help others reach their farmhouse dreams!!

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Your Dream Farmhouse-Homestead Workbook

Thinking of moving to the country and buying a bunch of land so that you can start homesteading, but don't know where to start? This Workbook will inspire you to start living your Farmhouse-Homesteading DREAMS no matter where you live.

10.00 USD

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Our Story

I'm Deeanne mama to four plus Ru, our chocolate lab, and creator of the blog and YouTube channel Humming Bird Acres. My husband Jamie and I believe in treating everyone like family, keeping our minds and hands busy with DIY and renovation projects, gardening, making delicious goodies and meals to share, and always having an empty bed for guests. Join us as we share our love for the farmhouse lifestyle, everyday adventures, and a little parent and entrepreneur life.

We're here.

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