The SHIFT - From Head to Heart to Wholeness

Hi, I'm Maria Dennis.  I endured years of inner torment and was locked in the belief that the problem was with my mind. Worse still, I only had my mind to try to make sense of it all and resolve my pain.

Although I was functioning on the outside, my inner world was a fragile mess, holding together by a thread. Inevitably, it unravelled, I unravelled completely and utterly. Would you believe me though, if I told you that it was both frightening and liberating? Looking back from where I am now, it was the greatest gift and the richest opportunity. I embraced the gift and found that I could shed the mantle of the life that had formed the fractured and tenuous self, and that I could fashion myself from an entirely new cloth.

I learned behind all inner turmoil is a profound yearning for a feeling of mastery, mastery of how we feel, despite what it is going on around us or within us, of our true self . I discovered and that the secret to this mastery is your heart not your mind and I want to share the gifts my experience gave me with you.

“Working with Maria has been an empowering and powerful experience. Through her careful and considered questioning over a handful of sessions, I was able to understand more fully my motivations, my fears, my goals and formulate steps and actions that were needed in order to develop myself as a person, as well as myself as a leader and decision maker of a complex and multi-layered organisation."

"It was a joy and pleasure to work with Maria. I do not have words to describe how positive an impact she had on my life"
